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Discord Online Members [INSTANT⚡] [BASE 2]

Discord Online Members [INSTANT⚡] [BASE 2]




Discord Members & Reactions
ID8 Own service

4 $

Price for 1000
  • Bots

FEATURES: ► Instant delivery via a bot that needs only a "create_invite" permission ► Botted members with realistic profiles ► 24/7 online with random activity and status IMPORTANT: - You must invite the bot to your server BEFORE purchasing - Bot invite link: onlybots.lol/online2 - All onboarding, anti-raid and verification measures must be disabled BEFORE adding the bot - You may kick the bot and restore your server settings after your order is completed - If you buy multiple times for the same link, make sure you’re not buying more than max stock - No warranty if discord terminates the tokens as it's not in our hands - Submit only valid PERMANENT invite links - Link format: discord.gg/example or discord.com/invite/example

Discord Members & Reactions
ID8 Own service

4 $

Price for 1000
  • Bots

FEATURES: ► Instant delivery via a bot that needs only a "create_invite" permission ► Botted members with realistic profiles ► 24/7 online with random activity and status IMPORTANT: - You must invite the bot to your server BEFORE purchasing - Bot invite link: onlybots.lol/online2 - All onboarding, anti-raid and verification measures must be disabled BEFORE adding the bot - You may kick the bot and restore your server settings after your order is completed - If you buy multiple times for the same link, make sure you’re not buying more than max stock - No warranty if discord terminates the tokens as it's not in our hands - Submit only valid PERMANENT invite links - Link format: discord.gg/example or discord.com/invite/example